What is the power source of the JSB serpentine yellow coupling

In the process of selecting JSB snake yellow coupling, it is necessary to synthesize various factors described in the above research according to the respective essential conditions and requirements of the new and old users, and select the coupling type, type and specification suitable for their own needs from the existing standard coupling. Under normal conditions, the existing standard coupling can basically meet the needs of different working conditions. The coupling drives to reduce the natural frequency of shafting and reduces torsional vibration amplitude due to its damping characteristics.


JSB snake yellow coupling in the design or selection of the transmission torque and activity of the process, we should carry out torsional vibration analysis and calculation, its goal is to strike the natural frequency of shafting, in order to confirm the critical speed of each order of the power machine, so as to calculate the additional load and stress caused by torsional vibration shafting and transmission device. Because the driving torque of the power machine and the load moment of the working machine are unstable, and the dynamic load caused by the charging and the uneven centrifugal inertia force of the parts caused by the manufacturing deviation of the transmission parts, the mechanical vibration of the transmission shafting occurs under the variable load (periodic variable load and non-periodic charge load), which will affect the service life and function of the machinery. Destroy the normal working conditions of instruments and instruments, and form additional dynamic stress on shafting parts. When the total stress or alternating stress is specified, the parts will be damaged or fatigued.


In the process of using JSB snake yellow coupling, it is necessary to select the coupling transmission part vibration damping buffer countermeasures, but we all for a basic principle is the correct matching system quality, stiffness, damping and the size and frequency of the disturbance force, so that the transmission device is not in the resonance zone of the speed line, or in the running speed of the inner line does not appear intense resonance phenomenon.

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