Coupling is increasingly used in precision machinery controlled by servo system such as machine tools and semiconductor system building machinery. In these fields, unlike ordinary manufacturing machinery, couplings must require high followability of their outputs relative to their inputs.
Characteristics of coupling:
Especially in the requirements of high frequency positive reversal, high precision positioning and 20000r/min above the high-speed rotation of the working machine, the coupling must have high rigidity in addition to itself, but also must have the ability to withstand the repeated torsional load of high elastic fatigue limit, in order to adapt to high-speed operation. Therefore, the coupling must have high torque rigidity, zero rotation clearance, elastic body to compensate the radial, axial, angular deviation, clockwise and anticlockwise rotation characteristics of manufacturing machinery produced in the transmission process.
To sum up:
In the past, people only considered the coupling as a mechanical part, but with the diversification of the use of the mechanical device itself using the coupling, in order to achieve higher function, the familiarity of the coupling has changed from a simple mechanical part to an important mechanical element that can affect the function of the whole mechanical system. As a result, coupling manufacturers alone product development to meet the requirements of users has become more and more difficult. Now, it has become a trend for users and manufacturers to cooperate and jointly develop couplings that meet the requirements of mechanical systems. We meet your requirements.
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